12 research outputs found

    Scenography and new media technologies: history, educational applications and visualization techniques

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    The endemic presence of digital technology is responsible for numerous changes in contemporary Western societies. This study examines the role of multimedia within the field of theatre studies, with particular focus on the theory and practice of theatre design and education. In the cross-disciplinary literature review, I investigate such primary elements of contemporary media as interactivity, immersion, integration and hyper-textuality, and explore their characteristics in the performing arts before and during the digital epoch. I also discuss various IT applications that transformed the way we experience, learn and co-create our cultural heritage. In order to illustrate how computer-generated environments could change the way we perceive and deliver cultural values, I explore a suite of rapidly-developing communication and computer-visualization techniques, which enable reciprocal exchange between viewers, theatre performances and artefacts. I analyze novel technology-mediated teaching techniques that attempt to provide a new media platform for visually-enhanced information transfer. My findings indicate that the recent changes towards the personalization of knowledge delivery and also towards student-centered study and e-learning necessitated the transformation of the learners from passive consumers of digital products to active and creative participants in the learning experience. The analysis of questionnaires and two case studies (the THEATRON and the VA projects) demonstrate the need for further development of digital-visualization techniques, especially for studying and researching scenographic artefacts. As a practical component of this thesis, I have designed and developed the Set-SPECTRUM educational project, which aims to strengthen the visual skills of the students, ultimately enabling them to use imagery as a creative tool, and as a means to analyze theatrical performances and artefacts. The 3D reconstruction of Norman Bel Geddes' set for The Divine Comedy, first of all, enables academic research of the artefact, exposing some hitherto unknown design-limitations in the original set-model, and revealing some construction inconsistencies; secondly, it contributes to educational and creative practices, offering an innovative way to learn about scenography. And, thirdly, it fills a gap in the history of the Western theatre design. This study attempts to show that when translated into digital language, scenographic artefacts become easily retrievable and highly accessible for learning and research purposes. Therefore, the development of such digital products should be encouraged, but care should also be taken to provide the necessary training for users, in order to realize the applications' full potential

    Virtual reality in theatre education and design practice - new developments and applications

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    The global use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has already established new approaches to theatre education and research, shifting traditional methods of knowledge delivery towards a more visually enhanced experience, which is especially important for teaching scenography. In this paper, I examine the role of multimedia within the field of theatre studies, with particular focus on the theory and practice of theatre design and education. I discuss various IT applications that have transformed the way we experience, learn and co-create our cultural heritage. I explore a suite of rapidly developing communication and computer-visualization techniques that enable reciprocal exchange between students, theatre performances and artefacts. Eventually, I analyse novel technology-mediated teaching techniques that attempt to provide a new media platform for visually enhanced information transfer. My findings indicate that the recent developments in the personalization of knowledge delivery, and also in student-centred study and e-learning, necessitate the transformation of the learners from passive consumers of digital products to active and creative participants in the learning experience

    Development of the Export/Import Activities Supply Chain of the Construction Industry of Ukraine

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    In this analytical article the information of the construction market of Ukraine in the modern conditions of management is presented. Considered: macroeconomic conditions of market development in the segment of segment analysis, statistics on domestic and foreign markets and expectations of the development of the market of building materials in Ukraine. The analysis of foreign economic supply chain activity of Ukraine on the world market is carried out; the state of Ukraine's integration into the world economy is estimated; the role of foreign investment in Ukraine for the development of international cooperation is defined. The ways of increasing the effectiveness of Ukraine's cooperation with the World Trade Organization (WTO) are determined; prospects of Ukraine's interaction with EU countries are considered

    But a walking shadow: designing, performing and learning on the virtual stage

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    Representing elements of reality within a medium, or taking aspects from one medium and placing them in another is an act of remediation. The process of this act, however, is largely taken for granted. Despite the fact that available information enables a qualitative assessment of the history of multimedia and their influences on different fields of knowledge, there are still some areas that require more focused research attention. For example, the relationship between media evolution and new developments in scenographic practice is currently under investigation. This article explores the issue of immediacy as a condition of modern theatre in the context of digital reality. It discusses the opportunities and challenges that recent technologies present to contemporary practitioners and theatre design educators, creating a lot of scope to break with conventions. Here, we present two case studies that look into technology-mediated learning about scenography through the employment of novel computer visualization techniques. The first case study is concerned with new ways of researching and learning about theatre through creative exploration of design artefacts. The second case study investigates the role of the Immersive Virtual World Second Life™ (SL) in effective teaching of scenography, and in creating and experiencing theatrical performances

    The Use of Information Technology in Financial Management

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    The article explores the concept of information technology and clarifies the essence of information technology in finance. The types of information technology in finance have been studied and their classification according to business entities has been carried out. A brief description of the main software products, the purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of the process of automation of financial research is given. The main tools for managing household (or person) finance using modern information technology are presented. The implementation of e-government in Ukraine is analyzed. The evaluation of the effectiveness of e-government implementation with the help of E-Government Development Index in Eastern European countries and in Ukraine is performed. A detailed analysis of the E-Government Development Index in Ukraine using a system of indicators has been studied. Digital technologies in the economy in general and in finance in particular have been studied separately. The indicators of world indexes digital economy development for Ukraine and for Eastern European countries are analyzed. The advantages and problems of the modern cryptocurrency market are clarified. The main directions of using artificial intelligence in finance are determine


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    International experience in managing the innovation development of national economies demonstrates the synthesis of scientific, industrial, economic and social policies in the form of specific entities – innovation clusters in order to create and active use of innovations. In its turn, the competitiveness of the modern economy is directly dependent on technological advances and organizational changes that contribute to the commercialization of the results of scientific and technological developments. In this regard, ensuring the effective functioning and development of innovative clusters that positively affect the competitiveness of the economy of any country in the world is of particular relevance. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprises interaction in the innovation cluster for further planning of measures to improve its functioning. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: the method of comparison and synthesis; the econometric method; abstract-logical method; the graphic method. The methodology developed in the course of the study should be used in forming the directions of the development strategy of new cluster members, in adjusting the existing strategy to the acting clusters of enterprises and in developing measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their interaction


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    Innovative entrepreneurship in a market economy becomes an active factor in economic development, commercialization, creative activity of new technological ideas developers. The operation of an extensive network of innovation infrastructure, elements of which are implemented in specific forms of economic activity, is a necessary factor for the successful development of innovation entrepreneurship. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the concept of "infrastructure of innovation entrepreneurship" and to develop basic recommendations for its formation for further use by public authorities in the process of promoting the development of innovation entrepreneurship in the country. In the article, the content of the categories "innovative entrepreneurship" is defined. To achieve this goal, the following methods of scientific research were used: the method of comparison and synthesis; abstract-logical method; economic and mathematical modeling; graphical method. According to the results of the study, the suggested recommendations for the formation of innovation entrepreneurship infrastructure at the national and regional level can be used by public authorities in the process of creating a single mechanism for regulating innovation infrastructure, which would ensure interaction between business, public authorities, science, and end-users of an innovation product (service) at all stages of development and implementation of innovation projects.Verslumas rinkos ekonomikoje tampa aktyviu ekonomikos plėtros, komercializacijos, naujų technologinių idėjų kūrėjų kūrybinės veiklos veiksniu. Plataus masto inovacijų infrastruktūros tinklo, kurio elementai įgyvendinami tam tikrose ekonominės veiklos formose, eksploatavimas yra būtinas sėkmingo inovacijų verslumo vystymosi veiksnys. Straipsnio tikslas - ištirti „inovacijų verslumo infrastruktūros“ sąvokos esmę ir parengti pagrindines jos formavimo rekomendacijas, kurias toliau galėtų naudoti valdžios institucijos skatindamos inovacijų verslumo plėtrą šalyje. Straipsnyje apibrėžtas kategorijų „novatoriškas verslumas“ turinys. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo naudojami šie mokslinių tyrimų metodai: palyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodas; abstraktus-loginis metodas; ekonominis ir matematinis modeliavimas; grafinis metodas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, valstybės institucijos gali naudoti pateiktas inovacijų verslumo infrastruktūros formavimo nacionaliniu ir regioniniu lygmeniu rekomendacijas kuriant bendrą inovacijų infrastruktūros reguliavimo mechanizmą, kuris užtikrintų verslo sąveiką, valdžios institucijos, mokslas ir inovacijų produkto (paslaugos) galutiniai vartotojai visais inovacijų projektų rengimo ir įgyvendinimo etapais